Event Planner in Olney

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cutie Patootie News

Hello Cutie Patootie Followers!

It's been a little while since we've posted but we've been doing lots of Cutesy stuff to get ready for our May Cutie Patooties!

Birthday Party News

On Saturday, April 16th, we celebrated the birthday of a new Cutie Patootie.  The birthday girl turned 9 and selected the DIVA Runway party.  The girls had a blast!  They dressed in their hip Diva wear and walked the runway like seasoned models - something really happens to those girls on that runway (lol).  Our activities director entertained the girls from start to finish.  The girls even chose mini manicures to further Diva-fy (is this a word? lol) themselves.  Each chose two or three colors and asked for either an A,B pattern, an A,BB,A pattern or A, BB, C pattern.  We were totally confused at first but quickly realized that each letter signified a color. We were so proud of them - Not only did they bring math into Cutie Patootie, they brought it in on a SATURDAY!

On Sunday, April 17th, our 5 year old fairy princess arrived to celebrate her birthday. With 7 of her friends in brightly colored tutus and wings,  we began her party by proceeding outside to begin our fairy parade.  Waving fairy wands to say hello to everyone passing on Georgia Avenue, our fairy felt a strong wind and strongly believed her feet left the ground - "I think I flew a little bit" she proclaimed and noticeably lowered her wand for the remainder of the parade for fear of flying away.  The guests ate pizza, sang "Happy Birthday" and ate cupcakes while carrying on "Cupcake Conversation".  The conversations carried on by five year olds are amazing.  What a great time!

Pre-Prom Dinners and Graduation Parties

Are you interested in hosting a pre-prom dinner or graduation party?  Give us a call and we'll put it all together for you.

On Saturday, April 16, we created an off-site Purple and White Extravaganza for three Gonzaga H.S. gentlemen and their beautiful dates.  Thirty minutes before the dates were to arrive one gentleman realized that his dates corsage was on the bed, in his room, thirty minutes away.  My partner and I ran to the closest florist and purchased one just in time for dinner - "Cutie Patootie saves the day".  High school proms are very special -  this one moment creates life long memories - Do you remember your prom?

Next month, my partner and I will host a graduation party for an entire eighth grade class. Which party did they choose? Why Club Patootie of course!!  I just placed the order for glow items sure to make the party a blast -

Thank you for allowing Cutie Patootie to be a part of these life changing experiences!

Mommy and Me

Tomorrow and Thursday (April 20 and April 21), Princess Sarah and Princess Arabelle will visit Cutie Patootie to see their old friends and meet new ones during our Mommy & Me.  Mommy & Me is held every Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.  The price is $6/child (no charge for adults).  Child will receive a small snack during the hour of entertainment.  Please call to reserve your space -
240 342-2570.


Cupcake Fridays

Cupcakes are sold every Friday at Cutie Patootie from 10:30 - 1 p.m. and 5 - 7 p.m.  Now that we have built a fan base, we are now offering individual cupcakes to our friendly neighbors.  A half-dozen  box is $20 and an individual cupcake is $3.50.

Well, it's time for us to sign out - the sound of unattended children is getting louder and louder - lol

{Big Hugs} until we post again,
Karen and Marisol

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